Previously Offered Courses The following courses were offered recently in summer and/or winter sessions. They are listed here to provide a sense of what we typically offer. See our upcoming course roster, which is generally published in February for Summer Session courses and in October for Winter Session courses.
Summer 2024
Applied Economics and Management
- AEM 1200: Introduction to Business Management
- AEM 1300: Introduction to Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
- AEM 2210: Financial Accounting
- AEM 2350: Introduction To The Economics Of Development
- AEM 2400: Marketing
- AEM 2831: Excel VBA Programming for Non-Dyson
- AEM 2841: Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling - Non-Dyson Majors
- AEM 3070: Risk Management in Emerging Markets
- AEM 3991: Global Business Strategy
- AM ST 1104: Race and Ethnicity in the United States: Social Constructs, Real World Consequences
- AN SC 1120: Sustainable Animal Husbandry
- AN SC 1500: Biology of Cats and Dogs: No Woof and Meow About It
- ANTHR 2400: Cultural Diversity and Contemporary Issues
- ANTHR 2440: The Social Life of Money
- ARCH 1110: Introduction to Architecture: Design Studio
- ARCH 1300: An Introduction to Architecture: Lectures
- ART 1101: Art as Experience
- ART 1102: Art as Experience: TransMedia
- ART 1103: Art as Experience: Sculpture
- ART 1104: Art as Experience: Photography
- ART 1500: Summer Drawing I
- ART 1503: Summer Drawing II
- ASIAN 2225: Literature, Politics, and Genocide in Cambodia
- ASL 1101: American Sign Language I
- ASL 1102: American Sign Language II
- ASTRO 1105: The Universe
- ASTRO 1106: Relativity, Cosmology, and Black Holes
- ASTRO 1107: The Universe
- BIOEE 1180: Evolution
- BIOEE 1610: Introductory Biology: Ecology and the Environment
- BIOEE 1760: Biostatistics with R programming language
- BIOEE 1781: Introduction to Evolution and Diversity
- BIO G 1500: Investigative Biology Laboratory
- BIO G 3500: Introduction to Applied Science Communication: Digital Platforms and Public Engagement
- BIOMG 1350: Introductory Biology: Cell and Developmental Biology
- BIOMI 1100: Locker Rooms, Kitchens and Bedrooms: The Microbiology of College Life
- BIOMI 1400: Antibiotics: Probing the Biology of Life and Death
- BIOMI 2600: Microbiology of Human Contagious Diseases
- BIOMI 2900: General Microbiology Lectures
- CLASS 2604: Greek Mythology
- COGST 1101: Introduction to Cognitive Science
- COGST 1112: Change-making: Designing Healthy and Hospitable Environments
- COGST 1500: Introduction to Environmental Psychology
- COGST 2230: Intro to Behavioral Neuroscience
- COMM 1101: Introduction to Communication
- COMM 1300: Visual Communication
- CRP 1111: The Just and Sustainable City
- CRP 1112: Maps, Mapping and GIS
- CS 1710: Introduction to Cognitive Science
- DEA 1100: Design Generation(s)
- DEA 1112: Change-making: Designing Healthy and Hospitable Environments
- DEA 1500: Introduction to Environmental Psychology
- EAS 1108: Earth in the News
- ECON 1120: Introductory Macroeconomics
- ENTOM 2030: Honey Bees: Their Intriguing Biology and Interactions with Humans and More
- FSAD 1120: Fashion Design and Visual Thinking
- FSAD 1140: Principles of Design Computing
- FSAD 1350: Fibers, Fabrics, and Finishes
- GOVT 1616: Introduction to Political Philosophy
- GOVT 1817: Making Sense of World Politics
- GOVT 3313: Comparative Politics of the Middle East
- GOVT 3686: What Makes Us Human? An Existential Journey Amidst Crises
- GOVT 3796: Freedom
- GOVT 3887: International Human Rights in Theory and Practice
- H ADM 1102: Entrepreneurship and Concept Development in the Food and Beverage Industry
- H ADM 3365: Foodservice Management Essentials
- HD 1102: Introduction to Cognitive Science
- HD 1130: Introduction to Human Development
- HD 2170: Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
- HD 2230: Intro to Behavioral Neuroscience
- HD 2600: Introduction to Personality
- HD 2810: Introduction to Social Psychology
- ILRLR 2300: Argumentation and Debate
- ILRST 2100: Introductory Statistics and Data Science
- JWST 3850: Comparative Politics of the Middle East
- LAW 3887: International Human Rights in Theory and Practice
- LING 1170: Introduction to Cognitive Science
- NBA 2650: Strategic Management of Tech & Innovation
- NES 3850: Comparative Politics of the Middle East
- NS 1600: Introduction to Public Health
- NTRES 2470: Green Cities: Creating the Living City
- NTRES 2480: Sustainability Leadership
- PHIL 1402: Data Ethics in Social Media
- PHIL 1450: Contemporary Moral Issues
- PHIL 1620: Introduction to Cognitive Science
- PLBIO 2100: Medical Ethnobotany
- PLBIO 2400: Green World, Blue Planet
- PSYCH 1101: Introduction to Psychology
- PSYCH 1102: Introduction to Cognitive Science
- PSYCH 1131: Introduction to Human Development
- PSYCH 1500: Introduction to Environmental Psychology
- PSYCH 1990: Sports Psychology
- PSYCH 2230: Intro to Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSYCH 2750: Introduction to Personality
- PSYCH 2800: Introduction to Social Psychology
- SOC 1101: Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 1104: Race and Ethnicity in the United States: Social Constructs, Real World Consequences
- SOC 2380: Media and Society
- SPAN 1230: Continuing Spanish
- S&TS 1101: Science, Technology, and Politics
- S&TS 1180: Evolution
- S&TS 1451: Body, Mind, and Health: Historical Perspectives for Future Professionals
- STSCI 2100: Introductory Statistics and Data Science