ASL 1102 American Sign Language II
Course description
This is the second in a sequence of courses in American Sign Language and Deaf Culture offered at Cornell. This course is a continuation of ASL 1101 and focuses on development of conversational and storytelling skills in ASL. Grammatical principles and functions will be emphasized. Appropriate cultural behaviors and conversational regulators in ASL will continue to be an important part of class. Readings and class discussions will acquaint students with American Deaf culture and social issues related to the Deaf community.
Subscription to is required for the class. Pricing is subject to change, but is currently $31.99 per class. Enrollment preference given to: College of Arts and Sciences students. Course conducted entirely in ASL.
ASL 1101 or permission of lead ASL instructor. Students with previous ASL skills who have not taken ASL 1101 at Cornell must pass a placement interview. Course conducted entirely in ASL.
No upcoming classes were found.
Previously offered classes
The next offering of this course is undetermined at this time.

Cornell Chronicle, March 6, 2023