Cornell Students
Earn credits, catch up, or get ahead during Cornell’s Summer and Winter Sessions.
Choose from hundreds of Summer Session courses
Earn credit on campus, online, or around the world during the 3-, 6-, and 8-week summer sessions. Summer is a great time to begin a new major/minor, take a class closed out in fall or spring, and check off #31 on the list of “161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do”: Enjoy Ithaca’s two months of warm weather— spend a summer here!

Earn 4 credits in 3 weeks during Winter Session
Choose from dozens of online courses during Cornell’s January Winter Session. In just three weeks, you can fulfill a requirement, lighten your course load, and/or focus intensely on one subject, without distractions. Courses may be delivered in pre-recorded (asynchronous) and/or live (synchronous) modes (read about online learning).

Learn about Independent Study and Audit Options
Want to take a course this summer or winter but don’t see it offered? You can request it through independent study. At Cornell SCE, graduate students also can audit a course. Please contact us if you have any questions!