Course description

This course offers a survey of Western political Philosophy. We will be reading and discussing the spectrum of great canonical theorists that include Plato, Aristotle, Christ, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Wollstonecraft, J.S. Mill, Burke, Marx, Fanon, Malcolm X and M. L. King. Our approach will be both historical and conceptual, as we explore the nature of justice, freedom and equality—their presence and absence–in the Western Tradition. (PT)

Summer 2025: Online course

Summer 2025: Online course

Summer 2025: Online course

Student experiences

"My class has affected me in many ways since I have returned home. Not only do I talk my friends’ and parents’ ears off about Western political theory, I find that I actually view the world differently and make decisions based on the things I learned at Cornell."
"In his lectures, the professor covered key concepts in the reading and then allowed us to ask about or comment on the concepts addressed. He made lectures fun and educational."