To send mail to students in the Precollege Summer Residential Program, please address it as follows:

[Student's first and last name, plus student ID number]
[Student's room number*, building**]
107 Robert Purcell
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

*You'll get your room number when you arrive on campus; mail addressed with a room number will arrive more quickly.

**For the building field, insert your residence hall:

  • Clara Dickson Hall
  • High Rise 5
  • Low Rise 6
  • Low Rise 9 (JAM)


  • Clearly mark packages with "Precollege Summer Program" so the staff will know to hold them.
  • If you plan to mail packages to campus before you get to Cornell, try to time the arrival of the packages with your own arrival to avoid confusion.
  • Please do not send mail or packages to the Precollege Academic Advising office at B20 Day Hall.