Unless otherwise stated, all precollege classes are regular, credit-bearing Cornell undergraduate classes and must be taken for credit and letter grade only. You may not take courses on a pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis, except for Computer Science 1109. There is no audit option.

Before selecting your course, be sure you meet any prerequisites listed.

All class times listed are in Eastern Time.

Selecting online courses

View online course rosters by term

Definitions of online instruction modes

Online courses are offered synchronously and/or asynchronously. To determine which method will be utilized, find your course on the roster and look for “instruction mode.”

  • OL/Online Learning (async+sync)
    This course will be delivered completely online. Required class components (such as lectures, labs, discussions, etc.) may be delivered in pre-recorded (asynchronous) and/or live (synchronous) modes. For example, an instructor may provide pre-recorded lecture materials that you view on your own schedule but require that you attend live discussions at scheduled times. Note: You are expected to participate in live, prescheduled (synchronous) sessions.
  • AD/Online — Asynchronous (async)
    This online course features well-designed, pre-recorded (asynchronous) content that you may access at any time, on your own schedule. However, the class will have periodic assignment and/or exam deadlines which must be met. You interact with other students and the instructor via the Canvas online learning system, which may include email, online discussion boards, interactive chat rooms, and/or video conferences. Many instructors also offer online office hours. Visit our Canvas page for more information.
  • SD/Online — Synchronous (sync)
    This online course features well-designed content, live interactions, and required class components (such as lectures, labs, discussions, etc.) that you access at pre-scheduled times. For example, during a six-week summer class, your instructor might deliver lectures from 10:00–11:00 a.m. on Mondays–Fridays and hold discussions on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00-2:15 p.m. These sessions will be delivered live via videoconferencing software (e.g., Zoom). Note: You are expected to participate in live, prescheduled (synchronous) sessions.

Selecting on-campus courses

  • View residential program course options
  • View commuter program course options
  • Time in class

    For each hour of lecture, you should plan on two to three hours of homework.

    If you are taking a summer or winter course, this timing reflects the fact that you'll be completing an entire college semester in just a few weeks.

    For example, if you take one three-credit, six-week class, you should plan to spend approximately 1.5 hours in class and up to three hours doing homework each day. If you take two three-credit, six-week classes, you should plan to spend approximately three hours in class and up to six hours doing homework each day.

    Tips for selecting courses

    • Cornell undergraduate courses are more difficult than high school or AP classes, so be prepared for a challenge.
    • The content of three- and six-week summer courses, and three-week winter courses, is equivalent to that of courses offered during Cornell's fifteen-week fall or spring semesters, so you'll need to maintain an accelerated pace throughout.
    • High school students in these courses are evaluated by the same academic standards and procedures as undergraduate students.
    • Because our courses are regular Cornell undergraduate courses, your classes may include regular college students as well as other precollege students.
    • When reviewing courses be sure that you are eligible and meet the prerequisites. We will contact you if, after reviewing your application, we have any concerns about your qualifications for taking a selected course.

    Need help?

    Contact our office if you'd like help selecting the right course for you.