Identification cards

Cornell students and staff

If you're a matriculated Cornell student, a regular, non-academic employee, or non-professorial academic staff, you may use your Cornell ID card.

Visiting students

If you're a visiting student (i.e., not a degree-seeking, matriculated Cornell student) and are enrolled in an on-campus class through the School of Continuing Education, you'll need to obtain a Cornell Student ID card. For instructions, see the Onboarding page.

There is a $40 charge to replace a lost ID.

NetID activation

You'll need a Cornell Network ID (NetID) to access important Cornell services including email, your grades, bursar bills, library services, official university announcements, and more. Your Cornell email account will be used for official university announcements.

  • When completing your course enrollment, please answer "yes" to the question "May we send occasional text messages to your cell phone?"
  • Follow the steps on the Onboarding page to activate your NetID.

You're expected to activate your NetID and Cornell email account immediately upon receipt.