Welcome! We're glad you'll be joining us at Cornell.
To finalize your enrollment, please
1. Complete required items on the checklist below. Failure to do so may result in restricted or canceled enrollment.
2. Review general orientation information about academic advising, bursar accounts, housing and dining, transportation, and student life resources.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Required items
1. Activate your NetID and Cornell email address
You'll need a Cornell Network ID (NetID) to access important Cornell services including email, your grades, bursar bills, library services, official university announcements, and more. Your Cornell email account will be used for official university announcements. Once you have activated your NetID, all communication from Cornell will be sent to your Cornell email address.
- Students will receive an email or text from IT@Cornell before they arrive on campus (or before their classes begin). This message will contain information about NetID activation. Please follow the steps right away.
- If you do not receive this information before arriving on campus (or before your classes begin), contact the IT Service Desk.
You're expected to activate your NetID and Cornell email account immediately upon receipt.
2. Familiarize yourself with Cornell's academic policies
Review the SCE policy pages, including the
- Student Code of Conduct
- Code of Academic Integrity
- SCE Standards of Conduct letter from our dean
3. Determine if you need to enroll in Cornell's Student Health Plan
Visit the health services page for information about your health requirements, deadlines, and fees.
4. Complete Cornell Student ID Card and/or photo requirements
Visit our photo submission form and upload your photo.
- If you'll be studying on campus, you need to obtain a Cornell Student ID Card. Stop by 245 Day Hall on or after your first day of class to pick up your ID card. Office hours and more information can be found on the University Registrar’s ID card page.
- If you'll be studying off campus or online, you need to submit your photo for use on class rosters and in your student center. ID cards will not be printed for off campus or online study
Please direct all questions about the Cornell Student ID Cards and photos to the university registrar at univreg@cornell.edu or 607.255.4232.
5. Enroll in Cornell's emergency notification system
All students are required to provide emergency contact information. To ensure you receive critical information and alerts, keep your emergency addresses and phone numbers complete and current in the student information system.
After activating your NetID
- Visit studentcenter.cornell.edu
- Under the "Personal Information" category, enter your contact information under the links for "Emergency Contact Info" and "Emergency Mass Notification"
For more information, visit CornellALERT messages.
6. Students with disabilities: Review Student Disability Services information and forms
Cornell University is committed to ensuring that students with disabilities have equal access to all university programs and activities.
If you are a student with a disability, we encourage you to contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible and request accommodations and services as needed. Some accommodations, such as a specific housing assignments or sign language interpreters, take advance notice to arrange.
If you will be studying abroad, we encourage you to visit the SDS Study Abroad page for important information.