Academic Support

Your professor's office hours
We strongly encourage you to take advantage of your professor's office hours and to reach out to your teaching assistant(s). One of the benefits of being a student at Cornell is access to these top instructors. They are your best, first stop for academic support.
Cornell students are also encouraged to seek help through their individual colleges and schools.
School of Continuing Education (SCE) academic advising
In addition to your professor, the SCE staff is available to provide counseling and/or advising to students registered in SCE courses. If you encounter any problems during your time at Cornell, contact the SCE registrar or book an appointment online to chat with one of the registrar staff.
Writing support
If you're enrolled in a writing course, you can receive individualized help, including tips for writing an outstanding paper, through Cornell's John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines.
Cornell's Learning Strategies Center
Cornell's Learning Strategies Center offers academic support services designed to help students master the academic rigors of Cornell and become actively engaged, successful, and independent learners.
View the LCS's tips to "Start Strong!" or contact the Learning Strategies Center for more information.
Cornell's Learning Strategies Center encourages all students to take advantage of support services "because successful students ask for help when they need it."