Cornell is a pluralistic community, and we are committed to equality of educational opportunity. We expect you, as a member of the Precollege Summer Residential Program community, to behave in a responsible manner on and off campus and to be courteous and respectful to your fellow students and to members of the faculty and staff.

We offer you a learning-living situation that approximates, in most respects, what you will face as an entering freshman. However, there are important differences for high school students at Cornell.

We strongly suggest that students and parents spend time discussing why a program like ours needs rules of conduct and why students must conform to them, even though some rules may differ from customs at home.

Before arriving on campus, you and your parents/guardians must review and agree to abide by the Housing Terms and Conditions and the Precollege Code of Conduct (available in the spring).

The precollege program will hold students fully accountable for their behavior and actions on campus as well as in our community.

Students who violate the Housing Terms and Conditions or the Precollege Code of Conduct may face disciplinary actions up to and including dismissal from the program. Students who are dismissed for violations will be withdrawn from their courses (and therefore will not receive a grade, credit, or an evaluation for work done up until that point) and will not be entitled to a refund.

A word of warning about drugs and alcohol

In accordance with New York State law, precollege students in on-campus summer courses are not permitted to use, possess, sell, or be in the presence of any alcoholic beverages or drugs, all as detailed in the Precollege Code of Conduct.