Canvas, Class Syllabus & Textbooks
Canvas access & course syllabus
Most courses utilize the web-based learning system Canvas. If you are new to Canvas or want a refresher, watch this six-minute video Getting Started in Canvas for Students and check out the helpful Student Guides.
In addition, before your course starts, we’ll give you access to an optional short training: "Cornell SCE Precollege Studies Orientation.” Here, you’ll be able to explore Canvas features, review orientation materials, and complete a virtual scavenger hunt.
Generally, your instructor will contact you about two days before your class starts at your Cornell email address (your with instructions for accessing the course syllabus, lectures, assignments, tests, homework, and additional information on Canvas.
Note that your course's Canvas site will not open until a few days before your class start date. Be sure to check your emails from Cornell frequently for updates.
If you have trouble accessing Canvas, contact their support team.
(If you wish to check your class schedule, you may do so via your Student Services account.)
Purchasing course textbooks & materials
For most classes, you can purchase your required course textbooks and materials through the Cornell Store. Textbook orders for the summer open in mid-May. You will be required to make payment at the time you place the order.
On the Cornell Store website, you can search for textbooks based on your individual schedule or by class number or title.
Note that it may take some time for the Cornell Store website to list your textbook information, so check back frequently.
If you're enrolled in AEM 1200: Introduction to Business Management, find your section on this page and read the "Notes" for information about how to order the required textbook.
For ARCH 1110: Introduction to Architecture: Design Studio, you'll receive a list of required supplies from the course instructor by the second week of May. You may use your own existing supplies or purchase new ones, as long as they match the items on the list. (Supplies will not be available for pre-order from the Cornell Store.)
Communicating with your instructor
To contact your instructor, click on the link for your course and locate the "Instructor" field.
Note the instructor's NetID (such as "ewe1") and send an email to this NetID followed by "" For instance, in this example, your email would go to "".
If an instructor is not listed, check back in a week or two for updates.
Instructor email information can also be located by searching for their name or NetID in the Cornell Directory.
When sending email messages to your instructor, please use your Cornell NetID email.
Finding your instructor's email NetID on your course page: