Course description

First course in a three-semester introductory physics sequence. This course is taught in a largely “flipped’, highly interactive manner, with reading preparation and online reading quizzes required for class. Covers the mechanics of particles with focus on kinematics, dynamics, conservation laws, central force fields, periodic motion. Mechanics of many-particle systems: center of mass, rotational mechanics of a rigid body, translational & rotational equilibrium. Temperature, heat, the laws of thermodynamics. At the level of University Physics, Vol. 1, by Young and Freedman.

Primarily for: students in Engineering, Physics or related subjects. Students interested in majoring in Engineering Physics or Physics, and who have a strong physics and mathematics background are encouraged to consider PHYS 1116. Students in the Life Sciences (but not Engineering or Physics) should consider PHYS 1101 or PHYS 2207 and check with your program for further guidance.


MATH 1910 or MATH 1120.

This is an extremely demanding course. Precollege students should have completed one year of high school physics and the equivalent of Mathematics 1110 (college-level calculus).

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Previously offered classes

The next offering of this course is undetermined at this time.