Course description

Covers fundamental chemical principles, with considerable attention given to the quantitative aspects and techniques important for further work in chemistry.

Main topics include chemical transformations and equations, periodic trends of the elements, electronic structure of atoms, chemical bonding, and the collective behavior of molecules.

Note: Engineering students should take CHEM 2090. However, since CHEM 2090 is not offered in a summer session, they may be able to seek permission from the College of Engineering to have CHEM 2070 count as CHEM 2090 if taken in a summer session. Students must contact Engineering Advising at to discuss this substitution and obtain a General Petition form to make their request.

Students may receive credit for only one course in the following group: CHEM 1560, CHEM 2070 and CHEM 2090. Course fee: $20 nonrefundable lab fee that covers the cost of safety goggles, lab apron, and breakage.


High school chemistry

Students should be aware that the course is fast-paced and condensed. It covers material in five weeks that is usually covered over 15 weeks during a regular academic semester.

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Previously offered classes

The next offering of this course is undetermined at this time.