As a Cornell SCE registrant, you're considered a Cornell student and are subject to the general regulations governing student conduct that apply to all other students of the university, with slight modifications to cover the special circumstances of the course or program in which you're enrolled.

In addition, some special programs may have more restrictive policies; contact your program director for information.

Regulations and codes of conduct and academic integrity are products of extensive deliberation involving students and members of the faculty and administration. Statements of standards and regulations are necessary to ensure maximum individual freedom and the effective functioning of the university as an educational institution.

Code of Conduct

You're expected to be familiar with the contents of

The Student Code of Conduct outlines expectations of conduct for all members of the Cornell community, including students, and describes the judicial process.

In addition, if you're living in a university residence, you're also responsible for being familiar with the specific rules that apply to that residence. Copies of these rules may be obtained from head residents and resident advisors.

Generally, the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards is responsible for handling violations of the Student Code of Conduct.

Code of Academic Integrity

Cornell has a written code of academic integrity, according to which every student is expected to demonstrate absolute integrity in all academic undertakings.

You're expected to be familiar with the contents of

Integrity entails a firm adherence to a set of values. The values most essential to an academic community are grounded in honesty with respect to the intellectual efforts of oneself and others. While both students and faculty members must maintain and further these values, the Code of Academic Integrity is concerned specifically with the conduct of students.

The responsibility for administration of faculty and university policy with respect to academic integrity is exercised by the dean of the School of Continuing Education.

SCE Standards of Conduct

Students are also expected to be familiar with information outlined in the SCE Standards of Conduct letter from our dean.