Dear Student,

Welcome to Cornell's School of Continuing Education (SCE)! We are so pleased that you'll be joining our community. Whether you are new to Cornell or returning for another semester of study, I hope you enjoy your course(s) and the best of what Cornell and the surrounding area has to offer.

At Cornell, we expect of ourselves and others a standard of conduct that embraces mutual respect, civility, honesty, and meaningful engagement. It is the responsibility of every Cornellian to be informed about the policies and reporting avenues that help us maintain our standards as a caring community. Any Cornell student who engages in misconduct, regardless of location, may be subject to the policies outlined in these documents.

Student Code of Conduct
The Student Code of Conduct defines expectations of conduct for members of the Cornell community and explains how violations are handled, in order to protect and promote the University community's pursuit of its educational goals. The Code prohibits both minor misconduct and serious misconduct. The website for the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards provides additional information.

(Note: The Student Code of Conduct and Cornell Policy 6.4 procedures apply to all students attending classes at the University on a for-credit basis except for students in elementary, middle, or high school, or foreign equivalent. Policy 6.4 more generally and Cornell’s Core Values broadly apply to all members of the Cornell community.)

Code of Academic Integrity
Absolute integrity is expected of every Cornell student in all academic undertakings. Please be sure to review Cornell's Code of Academic Integrity.

All Cornell students are responsible for understanding and abiding by this Code. Your professors, academic adviser, and college advising office can provide clarification and answers to questions you might have.

Copying and distributing digital forms of original work for which you do not own the copyright or have permission of the copyright holder violates both civil and criminal law, and also may be a violation of university policy. Know what copyright law does and doesn't allow and don't take risks.

Bias reporting
Cornell is committed to promoting a bias-free climate based on dignity, civility, decency, and respect. Reporting incidents of bias is essential to maintaining the diversity and inclusion that enrich our community.

A bias incident can be an act of bigotry, harassment, or intimidation related to an individual or group's actual or perceived age, color, creed, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any combination of these or related factors.

To report bias incidents or related concerns, complete this form or send an email to Learn more about bias reporting and resources for support.

Sexual and related misconduct
Cornell University will not tolerate gender-based harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, or other forms of sexual and related misconduct. The Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Education website at provides ready access to reporting, services, support, education, and advocacy related to all forms of sexual misconduct.

Cornell offers many resources for support, including confidential resources. Confidential resources will not convey any identifying information to any university officials, except in rare circumstances.

Individuals have the right to make a report to Cornell University Police at 607.255.1111, local law enforcement, and/or state police or choose not to report; or to report to Cornell by submitting an incident report online, emailing, or by mail to 500 Day Hall, Ithaca, New York, 14853. An individual may pursue either, both, or neither of these options. Reports to the university and law enforcement may be made simultaneously.

Information about reporting options is available on the Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX’s website.

Students with disabilities

Cornell University is committed to ensuring that students with disabilities (including physical, medical, visual, hearing, learning, ADHD and psychological disabilities) have equal access to all university programs and activities. Please contact Student Disability Services for information about requesting aids and accommodations.

For students based in Ithaca: Please review the following important safety information

Ithaca gorges
The gorges on our Ithaca campus are a beautiful part of our landscape, but they also present very real hazards. Above all, stay on the trails and do not swim. Swimming in the gorges is dangerous and illegal. Safe swimming alternatives abound in our area of abundant natural beauty. Learn more on our gorge safety website.

Important contacts
If you are based in Ithaca, please make sure you have the following numbers and apps in your cell phone or readily available, so assistance is always at your fingertips.

  • Emergencies and Crime: call 911 from any phone on campus for emergencies and to report crime. Call Cornell Police (24/7) on the Ithaca campus at 607.255.1111 to report emergencies from a cell phone, or for non-emergency assistance.
  • Cornell Health (24/7): 607.255.5155
  • The RAVE Guardian App is directly connected to Cornell Police and other safety services, including Blue Light Services.
  • If you are a Cornell undergraduate enrolled in a degree-seeking program, you should also record the number of your college advising office and your residence hall director, if applicable.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at Cornell SCE ( if you need assistance. We'll be glad to help.

Have a great term,
Mary Loeffelholz
Dean, School of Continuing Education