Courses & Programs
Plan now for Summer Session 2025
Earn credits, catch up, or get ahead. Choose from hundreds of Cornell courses offered on campus, off campus, or online. Summer Session runs June 2–August 5. Enrollment opens March 17.
BIO: Shoals Marine Laboratory
- BIOSM 1500 Investigative Marine Biology Laboratory
- BIOSM 1620 Marine Environmental Science
- BIOSM 1640 Introduction to the Biology of Sharks, Skates, and Rays
- BIOSM 1780 Evolution and Marine Diversity
- BIOSM 2350 R by the Sea: Data Analysis in the Marine Sciences
- BIOSM 2800 Sustainable Fisheries
- BIOSM 3210 Anatomy and Function of Marine Vertebrates
- BIOSM 3290 Field Animal Behavior
- BIOSM 3330 Marine Parasitology and Disease
- BIOSM 3450 Marine Mammal Biology
- BIOSM 3500 Applied Science Communication
- BIOSM 3650 Underwater Research
- BIOSM 3750 Marine Ecosystem Research and Management
- BIOSM 4650 Shark Biology and Conservation
- BIOSM 4990 Research in Biology

Non-degree students: Take almost any Cornell course & study with university faculty
January 21-May 17, 2025
Landscape Architecture
Public Policy
- SOC 3620 Population Controversies in Europe

Discover undergraduate opportunities to study around the world with Cornell faculty