NBA 2650 Strategic Management of Tech & Innovation
Course description
This is an introductory management course covering the management of technology and innovation in start-ups as well as in established firms. This course is designed for students who may someday work in, consult for, and/or create firms whose primary product is fundamentally related to technology or innovation.
We will start by examining how industries are transformed by new technologies and how these patterns of industrial change generate both opportunity and high rates of firm failure. We will then examine technology companies such as Netflix, Google, Adobe, Eli Lilly, etc. and explore the questions: Why do some technology leaders fail, and how do technology innovators successfully take on and replace incumbent firms? We will also explore how to design and lead innovative organizations and teams, as well as creating effective strategies for managing intellectual property.
Johnson MBA students are not eligible to enroll in the class
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The next offering of this course is undetermined at this time.