Course description

This course focuses on narrative competence and its role in medical education and clinical practice. Narrative is fundamental to the way we imagine, live and write our lives. In medicine, skills associated with the study of literature are crucial in diagnosis and treatment. Likewise, empathetic imagination and appreciation of the socio-cultural dimensions of medical practice are essential for a successful doctor-patient relationship. Thematically, this three-week course revolves around issues related to empathy, power in the doctor-patient relationship, and the role of language in healing. Goals include enhancing narrative competence and reflection on the therapeutic value of the arts and humanities. Course materials comprise multimodal texts of various genres and time periods. Assignments range from online discussion participation to analytical and reflective writing.

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Previously offered classes

Winter 2025: Online course

Krystyna Golkowska PhD
Krystyna Golkowska PhD
Visiting Professor of English