Cornell students

For undergraduate and graduate students currently registered in a Cornell-degree program:

Submit your payment upon enrollment via one of the methods outlined on the Office of the Bursar's Paying your Bill page.

Note: If you have an outstanding indebtedness to the university, you will not be allowed to register, have academic credits certified, be granted a leave of absence, or receive a degree until the indebtedness is satisfactorily cleared with the Office of the Bursar.

Visiting students

For students not currently registered in a Cornell-degree program:

For tuition and fee due dates, see payment deadlines.

A. For visiting students in Summer courses

Submit your payment according to one of the methods below at the same time as you submit your online registration. Your enrollment will not be processed until we've received your payment in full.

1. If you live outside the U.S.

Submit your payment via if your funds will be from an account outside of the U.S.

Flywire allows you to pay securely from any bank, generally in your home currency. For information, visit the Flywire help page.


  • When paying via Flywire, use the same email that you used on your enrollment form.
  • Select your appropriate session/program and enter each class you are taking (for example, Summer: AMST 2020).
Pay now via Flywire

2. If you live within the U.S.

Submit your payment using a credit card via the SCE payment center.

Pay now via SCE payment center

B. For visiting students in Winter, Spring, and Fall courses

Please submit your payment via Cashnet after you have received your enrollment confirmation and activated your NetID.

Pay now via Cashnet

Note to all students

  • All prior balances must be paid to avoid registration delays.
  • The amount, time, and manner of payment of tuition, fees, and other charges, may be changed at any time and without notice.