Course description

Presents the ecological significance of behaviors of coastal organisms, with emphasis on field and laboratory research methods. Lectures and readings address the major subareas of behavior (communication, orientation, social behavior, foraging, predator avoidance, and sensory mechanisms). Each student engages in short-term behavioral observation and prepares a research proposal for studying a problem within the course subject area.

Outcome 1: Understand the scientific process as applied to field and/or laboratory investigations of behavior. Demonstrate the ability to design, conduct and present an independent investigation.

Outcome 2: Be able to explain the role of natural selection and the influences of predictable and unpredictable environmental change in shaping behavioral patterns.

Outcome 3: Grasp the significance, and be able to provide examples, of quantitative and qualitative measures that illustrate behavioral adaptation.

Outcome 4: Demonstrate critical thinking in the evaluation of scientific findings.

Outcome 5: Understand similar selection pressures operate across taxa.

A two-week course offered at Shoals Marine Laboratory (SML), on Appledore Island in the Gulf of Maine.


one semester of college-level biology or equivalent.

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