Course description

General introduction to the field of animal behavior. Topics include evolution and behavior, behavioral ecology, sociobiology, chemical ecology, communication, orientation and navigation.

Outcome 1: To develop your awareness of, and curiosity about, the diversity of natural history and the exciting puzzles raised by the behavior of living things.

Outcome 2: To gain mastery at asking and answering questions about the mechanisms and evolution of behavior by performing observations, generating hypotheses, deriving predictions, and developing tests to investigate the causes of behavior.

Outcome 3: To compare the social systems of different species and to understand how the study of behavior is relevant to your other courses, to your own life, and to the world around you.

Outcome 4: To learn to read, interpret and critically evaluate scientific discoveries communicated through the primary, peer-reviewed literature.

Not open to first-year students. May be taken independently of BIONB 2220. Priority given to: students studying Neurobiology and Behavior. Four-credit option required of students in Neurobiology and Behavior program of study.


Two majors-level biology courses. Priority given to: students studying Neurobiology and Behavior.

Summer 2025: Ithaca campus

Summer 2025: Ithaca campus

Summer 2025: Ithaca campus