In an immediate student crisis situation at any time, day or night, a university crisis manager is available to assist and can be paged via the Cornell Police at 607.255.1111.

In addition to the academic counseling and advising available to Cornell undergraduates through the colleges and schools, staff members in the School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions (SCE) office provide counseling and/or advising to students enrolled in SCE administered courses year-round.

Academic concern

If you are concerned about a student’s academic success, please submit an academic concern form (NetID required) to let us know.

Concern for well-being/students in distress

If you have concern for a student’s health, safety, or well-being, or would like to report a concerning incident, please send an email to

Faculty, graduate student lecturers, and TAs can play an effective role in noticing, approaching, and/or referring students in distress. If you are aware of a student in distress—for example, a student dealing with illness or hospitalization, a family emergency, or any situation in which the health or well-being of the student is in jeopardy—please utilize these reporting tools or reach out to an office directly.

More information about how to notice and respond to a student in distress is available from Cornell Health.


SCE Registrar: 607.255.4987

SCE Associate Dean for Administration, Ben Balkaya: 607.255.6210

After hours and emergencies

Cornell University Public Safety Dispatch 607.255.1111 or 911

Cornell Health After-Hours (ProtoCall) - 24/7 mental health professionals 607.255.5155 (#4)

If you feel that a student requires other advising, refer them to the SCE office directly, or, contact the office to determine how to proceed. The SCE registrar is available to answer questions (607.255.4987).