To ensure your course materials are current and meet ADA accessibility requirements, please review the information below. As part of your appointment process, you'll be asked to confirm you have completed these steps.

1. Go to the Center for Teaching Innovation's Process Checklist: Getting Ready for the Semester.

This page includes information on

  • Developing your course in Canvas
  • Preparing your course to launch
  • Reusing your course from a previous semester. This new section includes resources for updating materials, confirming class materials are current, and checking for accessibility.

2. Familiarize yourself with the accessibility tool Ally, which integrates with Canvas; provides instructors with an accessibility score for most course materials; gives students accessible, alternative formats for many course materials; and delivers guidance to instructors on how to improve the accessibility of course content.

We recommend you begin with

3. You will be asked to submit confirmation before your course starts that you have reviewed the above information and that your course materials and curriculum are current and meet ADA accessibility requirements.

Additional resources

Check out the Center for Teaching Innovation's resources for getting started and preparing your course with accessibility in mind.


For more information, contact the Center for Teaching Innovation.