The School regularly promotes courses through the Summer/Winter Session websites, course rosters, emails, posters, postcards, press releases, social media, events, a series of advertisements in The Cornell Daily Sun, and other avenues.

Although we do not generally advertise individual courses because of high costs and limited resources (there are more than 500 classes in the summer/winter catalog), we do routinely group together similar courses (such as "summer-only offerings") in our advertisements.

We encourage you to consider several ways in which you can increase enrollment in your course:

  • Produce flyers promoting your course using a template provided by the School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions (see Promotional Flyer for details). Student Agencies (phone: 607.272.2000 x223) will distribute flyers for you for a fee.
  • Mention the course to students in your fall and spring classes. Also, ask your colleagues, in their capacity as faculty advisors, to recommend it whenever appropriate and/or allow you to make a short visit to their classes to make an in-person announcement.
  • Request that your department and school/college list the course on their websites and social media channels, include the course in their Courses of Study listings, and promote it in any related materials.
  • Reach out to your college or school communications office for advice.
  • Do you or does your course have a website? If so, ask us to link to that site from our online course descriptions.
  • Does your department have an email list of students? If so, consider sending these students an email announcement.
  • You can submit social media items to for possible posting and tweeting on Cornell's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. Be sure to include a high-quality image.
  • Ask past students to share information about the course, if they are willing, through their own social networks.
  • If your course might be of interest to staff members, contact your local HR representative and ask if the rep would be willing to send out an email announcement.
  • Email a short press release to one of the outlets listed below. Include, at minimum, the course title, credits, description, session, URL for course website, and contact person.
  • Send information about your course to local radio stations:
  • Promote your course to students in out-of-college departments who may have been closed out of this course during the fall/spring or have had scheduling difficulties. Try flyers, postcards, and email.
  • Host an information session about your course and announce it on the Cornell Events Calendar.
  • Promote the course to students, faculty members, or professionals outside of Cornell where this course may not be offered and may be useful in helping them meet their curricular or career requirements.
  • For special programs, please follow all of the suggestions above and contact Cornell SCE Special Programs for additional information.